
Getting to know: Everything Permitted

I'm going to do something completely different and try my hand at a bit of self promotion.

During Easter me and my mates decided to write a song for a friend's art project, to which we thought it would just be a one-off situation. As we were writing we realised how much fun it is and decided in the spur of the moment to form a band. Cheesy, I know but many a great idea has come from spontaneity. This is different to any other band I've been in, as firstly I've tried to take on the role as lead vocalist. Usually I'm drumming away in the background or riffing on guitar, so to actually be singing is a daunting yet rewarding experience. Another reason we're different is because our drummer is currently "inputted data" thanks to current lack of drum recording equipment and a very handy Logic Pro software.

Whilst nothing official has been released, we've donned the name Everything Permitted and have two demos floating around in cyberspace. The song we wrote for the art project is entitled "Orlando" and is based on a book with the same name written by Virginia Woolf. The song is about a man struggling with his own sexuality and decides to live life as a woman. Lyrics such as "My body's re-arranged" and "Society's a bitch" basically sum up the fun we had writing. The actual song itself is a hybrid of pop-punk with some heavier riffs and awesome guitar solos included. There are also harmonies between myself and Daisy, who took the female vocal role. It is an ominous track but it's full of energy and the chorus is very catchy.

Our other song we've worked on is an acoustic track called "Before I Go" which is a love song, of sorts. It's an extremely stripped back song with currently just vocals and a guitar. Stylistically, it's in a similar category to You Me At Six songs such as "Crash" and "Always Attract", just probably not quite as good yet!

We're at the bare bones stage of things at the moment, but there will be a lot of development during the summer and hopefully we will have a complete band and possibly an EP.

Please like our Facebook page and help spread the word, you never know, we may turn out great one day!

Everything Permitted FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Everything-Permitted/514439452018731?fref=ts

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