
Beck- Morning Phase | Album Review

I know this review is a couple of weeks after release, but it’s taken me more time than it should have to find this little gem.
With Beck’s comeback six years after his last album, Modern Guilt, there wasn’t really much of a massive change expected of him, mainly because for the most of it, he is remembered for his slacker hit 'Loser' back in ’94.
Here’s that reminder if you need it.

He really shines in Morning Phase, which you can see throughout the album. It is reminiscent to one of his earlier albums, Sea of Change, one of his most critically acclaimed albums and definitely his most emotional album.

Being able to channel one of his best albums into Morning Phase has definitely helped the overall quality of the album.

One of the downsides however, is that the album is a bit monotonous, with each song sounding like the last. This doesn’t make too much of an impact, however, since the lyrical quality within each song is enough to make you oversee that fact.

The highlight of the album is ‘Blue Moon.’ “I'm so tired of being alone/These penitent walls are all I've known”. Little lyrical brilliances like this make the album one of the most thought-provoking in years.

If you need an album that will make you contemplate your life, Beck’s here to help you.


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