
Bethesda Press Conference | E3 Round-up

Here's our review of what developer, Bethesda, had to offer at E3 2015!

Doom looks freakin' brutal as per usual. But with the intense graphical transformation, killing demons have gotten a whole lot more gory. So if tearing the jaws off demons is your jam, you've got to wait until the middle of next year to play it on Xbox One, PS4 and PC.

Dishonored 2
Players get the choice of playing as Emily Kaldwin, or Corvo Attano from the original Dishonored and Emily's Father. Coming in Spring 2016, who you choose will impact what special abilities you have. Corvo's short teleporting abilities or Emily's grappling hook arm of DOOM. Or just grappling hook arm. She can also shadow walk which was originally cut from the first Dishonored. There wasn't really much else in the trailer so look forward to more details closer to release.

It's being released on PC, Xbox One and PS4. There's also Dishonored: Definitive Edition coming to PS4 and Xbox One.
Fallout 4
November 10th. This year. Not long until the most freedom-inducing Fallout yet. The gameplay demo showed off the new engine and an exclusive look into the customisation with some very impressive face-sculpting of either a male or female character. (They're really pushing this whole gender choice thing... Ubisoft.) The freedom comes from the choices you can make, and you're never locked into conversation. So can just walk away from it! 

You can play retro arcade games on your new and improved Pip-Boy. And a real replica Pip-Boy will be bundled into the collector's edition. A smartphone can be slotted into the replica Pip-Boy’s screen and an app installed in order to deliver a second screen experience. 

There are also a few new game mechanics, including a brand new crafting system. One of the best is that you will be able to create settlements on your travels, which will soon bring in traders giving you some of the best weapons in the game. Using Minecraft style customisation, you'll draw these in quick. And they've announced a fun looking iPhone game called Fallout Shelter which is available to download now for free!

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